Benefits from Enhancing Your Creativity
Increasing your creativity at work can:
- Help you make the best use of your talents, aptitudes and abilities
- Enhance the enjoyment of your job
- Cause you to have more self-confidence
- Ultimately increase your income
- Cause you to become more self-motivated
- Give you a greater sense of control and mastery over your job
15 Ways to Become More Creative:
- Ask “what if” questions–the crazier the better
- Make up metaphors and analogies. My job is like_______
- Pay attention to small ideas. That’s where many big ones get their start.
- Daydream. Let your mind wander
- Play, “Just Suppose.”
- Try different ways of expressing your creativity. Cooking, painting, photography, writing, etc.
- Notice when you do do something creative and keep a Creativity success file
- Learn and play strategy games like chess, checkers, and backgammon.
- Learn a foreign language and force your brain to think in new patterns
- If you’re right handed, try using your left hand to do things, and vice versa
- Guess at measurements rather than using a yard stick, tape measure or a cup. Then measure to see how close you were
- Balance your checkbook without using a calculator
- Read three-quarters of a novel, then stop and write your own ending
- Do jigsaw and crossword puzzles
Years ago in the newspaper column of Ripley’s “Believer It or Not,” the following item appeared: A plain iron bar is worth $5.00. If you take that iron bar and forge horseshoes from it, the value increases to $10.50. If it is made into needles, the price rises to $3,285.00. And if you make watch springs from it, it then is worth $250,000.00. Ergo, the difference between $5.00 and $250,000 is creativity. All of us can enhance the creativity we possess. What are you doing to enhance yours?