Managing To The Bottom

Managing To The Bottom

Managing To The Bottom Every leader has undoubtedly encountered that one aggravating team member who is always pushing the limits. Perhaps they’ve turned leaving early into a habit, or they over surf the internet on the company clock, or spend hours talking to their...
Accountability Is Bigger Than That

Accountability Is Bigger Than That

Accountability Is Bigger Than That In your next group meeting, ask the team to describe their understanding of accountability.  You will probably get variations of these two definitions.  1.  Do what you say you are going to do, and 2. Own it (the mistake, the goal,...
Critical Thinking Is More Willingness Than Ability

Critical Thinking Is More Willingness Than Ability

Critical Thinking Is More Willingness Than Ability The willingness to think critically trumps ability every time.  Critical thinking is a form of engagement that happens on its own in a culture and environment free of obstacles preventing it.  If the organizations...