Managing To The Bottom

Managing To The Bottom

Managing To The Bottom Every leader has undoubtedly encountered that one aggravating team member who is always pushing the limits. Perhaps they’ve turned leaving early into a habit, or they over surf the internet on the company clock, or spend hours talking to their...
Effectively Empowering People

Effectively Empowering People

Effectively Empowering People Have you ever found yourself in the situation as a leader where your people have asked to be more empowered, so you empower them as asked, but they don’t pick up the ball on the task they were empowered to do.  So naturally, you take the...
The Best Salesperson Behaviors

The Best Salesperson Behaviors

The Best Salesperson Behaviors Is high assertiveness a behavior that leads to success with salespeople, or can it be detrimental?  Do high performing salespeople need to be very social or not?  Do salespeople with a high sense of urgency perform better in the sales...
Both Sides of Change

Both Sides of Change

Both Sides of Change So the question was asked this week, “why can’t we get people to change”. It always comes down to two reasons, however, the problem is most leaders in organizations only consider one of the two. Therefore, no change. The two reasons people change...