I Understand Is Miscommunication

I Understand Is Miscommunication

I Understand Is Miscommunication In the process of communication, we frequently hear a term that on the surface appears to suggest good communication is in play and is spot on, but in reality, this phrase causes enormous miscommunication on a rather significant level....
The Best Salesperson Behaviors

The Best Salesperson Behaviors

The Best Salesperson Behaviors Is high assertiveness a behavior that leads to success with salespeople, or can it be detrimental?  Do high performing salespeople need to be very social or not?  Do salespeople with a high sense of urgency perform better in the sales...

Salespeople Suck At Asking Questions

Salespeople Suck At Asking Questions One of the most bizarre modern day phenomenon’s in business today is the disconnect salespeople have from asking good questions.  Bizarre because the salesperson role is viewed as an investigator, a problem solver, a relationship...