Sales Edge Module Outline

The Employers Edge offers a customized approach to sales training.  Our “core” seven (7) modules offer the basics and our “add-on” modules allow for customization to the needs of your sales team.


Core 1:  Kickoff   

  • What is a Successful Salesperson
  • Three Types of Motivation
  • S.K.A.T.E.
  • Identifying Strengths and Areas to Improve
  • Sales Success Self-evaluation
  • Win/Win Agreement


Result:  Participants “buy in” to the development program recognizing that training should result in behavior change and that they are responsible for implementing at least one change after every session.


Core 2:  Attitudes for Success 

  • Understanding How Our Attitude Affects Our Success in Sales
  • Pleasing Results vs. Pleasing Methods
  • Adjusting Our Attitude
  • Dealing with Motivation Block’s
  • Attitude Adjustment Scale
  • Insulation Checklist
  • Go With What You’ve Got Exercise
  • Simplification Exercise
  • Bright Side Exercise


Result:  Participants recognize their attitude and responsibility toward sales quotas, goals, and activities and begin developing a plan for overcoming blocks to motivation.


Core 3:  The Power of Goal Setting 

  • Goal Setting and Sales Success
  • Developing a Strong Self-image
  • Looking at Your Dreams
  • Creating a Mission Statement
  • The Power of Priorities
  • Developing Plans to Accomplish Goals
  • Valuable Lessons About Goals
  • The Classic Struggle: Compatibility or Incompatibility


Result:  Participants develop an annual sales plan that they will present to the group and turn into management.


Core 4:  Effective Time Management 

  • Results Through Time Management
  • Tyranny of the Urgent
  • 21 Time Management Tips      
  • Dealing with Procrastination
  • Tracking Performance
  • Using a Time Management Planning System
  • Territorial Management


Result:  Participants learn techniques for better managing their time and territory based on their “High Pay-off Activities.”


Core 5: The Consultative Selling Process  

  • Changing Times
  • The Need for “Consultative” Selling
  • The Eight Stages of a Sales Presentation
  • The Sales Interview
  • Developing Social Rapport
  • The Opening Statement
  • Investigating Needs
  • Understanding Critical Success Factors
  • The Fine Art of Listening


Result:  Participants learn a sales presentation process that gets prospects and customers recognizing their needs so they are more open to hearing solutions.  Participants also develop a sales call questionnaire.


Core 6:  Presenting Solutions and Obtaining Commitment

  • Why Do People Buy?
  • Creative Approaches to Presenting Solutions
  • Giving Benefits in Selling
  • Demonstrating Capability Effectively
  • Preventing Objections
  • 5 Successful Actions for Obtaining Commitment
  • Recognizing Buying Signals
  • Reassurance
  • Effective Proposal Writing


Result:  Participants learn techniques for handling objections and closing sales.  Participants role play

their sales call with the group.


Core 7:  Building Client Relationships  and Keeping Them For Life

  • Important Statistics About Clients
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • The 5 Questions Your Customers Have About You
  • Understanding Personality Differences
  • Fixing “Problem Relationships”
  • Friendship vs. Salesmanship
  • Quality Customer Service


Result:  Participants gain skills for developing relationships and improving customer service by recognizing the true value of a customer and what customers really want in an account manager/sales representative.

Add On:  Success through Prospecting

  • An Effective Approach to Prospecting
  • Profile of the “High Priority Prospects”
  • Sources for Prospects
  • Identifying Qualified Prospects
  • Follow-up Systems
  • Creating Referral Prospecting Relationships
  • Prospecting Projects


Result: Participants identify a variety of prospecting methods and their effectiveness as well as learn to develop referral relationships to increase their number of customers.


Add On:  The Approach

  • The Purpose of the Approach
  • Pre-approach Client Research
  • Identifying the Decision Makers
  • Methods of Approach
  • The Power of Testimonials
  • The Telephone Presentation
  • Handling Telephone Objections


Result:  Participants learn techniques for “going deeper” into current customer accounts as well as marketing approaches to gain new business.