Randy Austad

Chief Research Officer


Phone: 303-400-3574

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/followyourcalling

Randy Austad is the author of a growing number of faith-based affirmation tools including The CALL Vocational & Life Purpose Guide© , Personality Portraits©, and TryUnity©.  Randy is a recognized expert in the field of assessments.  He is certified in over 40 different assessment tools including Myers-Briggs, DiSC, Gallup Strength Finder, Graphology and linguistic content analysis and is a consultant and speaker. Randy is a life long student of understanding people in the workplace and how that impacts the bottom line.  He often comments, “I’m able to live my passion because I’ve found my life purpose.  I’m a poster-child for the value of great job fit.” Randy did his graduate thesis on predicting success and satisfaction in employment.
In addition to his assessment experience, he served as Executive VP in his family’s successful golf catalog business, Austad’s Golf, based in Sioux Falls, SD. Randy believes that “in both golf and your calling in life that the key is to connect to your sweetspot.” He also served as a Regional VP and assessment consultant for Profiles International, (www.profilesinternational.com) a leader in design, validation and delivery of on-line assessments for the corporate workplace. Randy was the youngest 2-term State Senator in South Dakota (1986-1990) and attended The North American Baptist Seminary. He has been an active member of The National Speakers Association and is the former President of The National Family Business Council.