Performance Management

Employee Performance Management is both a process and a commitment to building a culture that:

  • Links individual performance reviews to organizational goals and performance measures.
  • Ensures both the organization and its staff succeed in achieving business objectives.
  • Promotes employee engagement, productivity, growth, and retention.


Having difficulty implementing the strategic plan down through all levels of the organization? Is your performance appraisal process identifying the right behavioral improvements and helping employees to gain the skills needed?

We offer a facilitative process for a management team or department in a company that helps them to improve their performance management by identifying critical success goals, departmental goals, personal productivity goals, and people development goals. The outcome of this process results in all employees having personal objectives that they are regularly measured against.  In addition, we are pleased to introduce a performance management system that will provide your business with a state of the art, everything you need in an employee performance appraisal system. 

Features and Benefits of TrakStar Professional

Best Value for Your Business

TrakStar Professional is the most powerful and easy-to-use Performance Management System for your business. Everything you need in an employee performance appraisal system is included at a very reasonable cost. We provide a robust solution that offers value unmatched in the industry.

Easy-to-Learn and Use  

TrakStar Professional is a remarkable software technology achievement and revolutionary new designIt is different, very different from competitive systems. Many competitive systems have added feature upon feature and over time increased complexity making theirs difficult to use. We saw a universal need to simplify. TrakStar Professional is a superior alternative that’s easy-to-use. 

Quality Employee Evaluations in a Fraction of the Time

TrakStar Professional raises the bar. We have succeeded in making a tool so inviting and compelling that managers and employees will enjoy using it. 

Do Away With Paper Performance Appraisal Forms

You can eliminate many of the headaches associated with paper-based processes.

  • Track and manage the entire appraisal workflow from your HR control center
  • Free up employees, managers, HR and IT to spend time on strategic activities
  • Conduct appraisals using your process and online employee appraisal forms
  • Create as many different appraisal forms you need without IT involvement
  • Reduce time and money spent conducting and recording appraisals
  • Improve the quality and completion rates of your employee appraisals


Automating the Process

TrakStar Professional automates and greatly enriches the classic two-step appraisal process which ensures that a Performance Plan is in place for every employee at the beginning of the appraisal period and a Performance Appraisal is conducted at the end of the period.

Automatic Email Reminders

TrakStar Professional automatically reminds managers and employees to complete performance plans and appraisals on-time and helps manage compliance. The system reminds employees and managers alike to take journal notes about issues and accomplishments.

Performance Plans

Managers can clearly communicate the competencies that will lead employees to success in the Performance Plan along with S.M.A.R.T. goals which is an abbreviation for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Framed goals.

TrakStar Professional permits employees to electronically participate in goal setting. Employees can suggest specific goals aligned with job or professional objectives to their managers. Managers can accept, modify or decline suggestions

An email reminder feature triggers managers to update the Plan with employee progress toward specific goals for tracking purposes.                                                                                                                                       

Performance Appraisals

Employees can communicate accomplishments and needs with self-appraisals and receive regular and high-quality feedback from their manager about their performance. Managers gain insight and better communication results.

Professional Competency Library

TrakStar Professional provides 100 competencies with 5 levels of performance and powerful coaching tips which are exceptionally well defined and may be assigned to positions. Human Resources may select from our library or add their own competencies. This lays the foundation for quality performance plans that coach rather than intimidate employees.

Coaching and Development Assistant

TrakStar provides powerful coaching tips for each of the 100 factors and competencies to help managers guide employees to improve their proficiency and practice learning.

Performance Note Journals

Employees, manager and designated others can keep track of accomplishments, issues, and training year round ensuring managers make consistent, quantifiable and fair decisions

SpellCheck® & LegalScan®

TrakStar’s real-time Spelling and Legal Language Checker tests every data entry text box used by administrators, managers and employees every 2 seconds. TrakStar uses a red underline for misspelled words and a blue underline for words that may be legally sensitive. 

Strategic Goal Management

Strategic Goal Management is one of the most powerful capabilities in TrakStar and one that is greatly valued by Human Resource professionals, managers, and “C-Level” executives. Strategic Goal Alignment links enterprise-level objectives with departmental and individual goals. Managers and employees are now equipped with a powerful tool for ensuring everyone is working on the right things and supporting the organization’s mission. Managers can track goal and milestone status with drill down reports.  

Cascading Goals

Cascading Goals allows managers at any level to create goals and “cascade” them to their direct reports or down the management chain to their manager’s employees. 

Automatic Route for Approval

Route for Approval allows managers to forward an employee’s performance appraisal to relevant organizational members for feedback and final approval. 

Dashboards Monitor Workflow

A graphical dashboard provides a summary of in-progress plans and appraisals. The status of employee self-appraisals, manager scoring, and route for approval are displayed. Managers can drill down and view the workflow status of subordinate managers and employees and see if immediate action is required.

Specific, Strategic and Cascaded Goal Tracking

A graphical snapshot of employee performance progress toward and alignment with line manager and corporate strategic objectives and cascaded goals is also available.

TrakStar VideoTrainer®

Managers and employees can do TrakStar e-Training on their own initially and anytime all year long. Users love VideoTrainer® because reference guides are no longer needed. VideoTrainer® leads to adoption and success. It is also a great labor-saver for HR Administrators. It is truly unique using the most advanced technology available. There is nothing like it on the market!

TrakStar Insight Reports™

HR and managers have instant access to important details and trends in the organization at every level. View manager assessments, rater bias, performance by position, and areas of competency strengths and weaknesses. Review performance by position, trends and competencies areas of risk and strengths to leverage.

  • Managers and senior executives need to track key performance indicators,
  • Quickly understand the “big picture” with the option to drill down for details.
  • Identify important trends to watch or that warrant immediate action.
  • Make sense of detailed report information more quickly and easily.
  • Act more quickly on key performance metrics.


Multi-Rater Appraisal Module

Multi-Rater allows managers to solicit feedback from relevant organizational members who are in a position assess an employee’s performance and impact on the organization. Powerful reports help you analyze data immediately and gain understanding.

TrakStar Professional HRIS Connect Tools

Employers Edge, Inc. can import employee information from any human resource information system or payroll system and thereafter stay in sync reducing duplicate data entry, 

Key Benefits


  • A more consistent process creates better employee-manager interaction
  • Achieve better human resource, manager and employee productivity
  • Corporate and employee goals are aligned to deliver bottom-line results
  • Helpful, decision-making data is provided to senior management


HR Administrator

  • People are more willing to participate in the appraisal process
  • Intelligent reminder system makes the process convenient, quick and easy
  • The paper chase is eliminated
  • Your appraisals run efficiently and are completed on time



  • Increase the day-to-day productivity of your staff.  Define S.M.A.R.T. goals
  • Track the progress toward goals of each employee and roll them up
  • Having everyone focused on the work makes a real difference to your company
  • Keep your team on task, ensuring they’re working at high levels of effectiveness
  • Get consistent performance from your team all year long
  • Recognize and reward your top employees for a job well done



  • TrakStar Professional helps you by establishing clear goals that will advance you
  • Your company can ensure your extra efforts get noticed and rewarded
  • The system provides the guidance coaching to help you get there more quickly
  • TrakStar lays the foundation for a true “pay for performance” culture
  • Understand how your day-to-day efforts contribute to the success of your company

Organizational Restructuring

Get the most from people when your business significantly changes by developing a plan for corporate restructuring, layoffs and mergers.

Organizations are dynamic systems and, like all other systems, they do not function when their components do not work together smoothly and efficiently. Any change we introduce to an organization must be aligned with an ever-changing, dynamic and culturally diverse workplace. Understanding the relationship between organization restructuring and its employees is the key to improving your organization’s ability to move through change effectively.

Organization restructuring often means making critical decisions about how to deploy or re-deploy talent. Organizations need insight into where to best utilize talent and find the best fit between existing employees and the jobs that await them.

Employers Edge provides insight about job fit and how best to align talent with business needs to deliver the highest level of performance. Knowing the goals and objectives of each individual in your organization can be difficult. Employers Edge’s solutions can provide you with the means to easily align the goals of your employees to the overall mission of your company.

Our analysis will help you develop an effective solution for organization restructuring by assessing your workforce and their alignment the following organization issues:

  • Overall mission, vision and strategy
  • Current and future business culture
  • Customer strategies
  • Employee strategies
  • Functional practices and systems
  • Senior management
  • Performance measurement and performance management systems

In addition to managing talent, organizations need to be able to handle conflict. Organization restructuring brings about change that brings about stress and conflict. It’s important for managers to be able to effectively lead their team through challenging and turbulent times. Being able to predict how each employee will respond to stress and conflict is the key to managing change smoothly.

Employers Edge’s solutions provide managers a “user guide” for each employee to help identify the best way to manage them in times of stress and conflict. This insight gives managers the ability to provide strong leadership so that they can maintain or increase employee productivity and retain key employees.