Leadership Edge – Management Training Modules


The Employers Edge offers a customized approach to leadership coaching, and management training.  Our 16 modules allow for customization to the needs of your supervisors, managers, and executives.  These modules can be used in a 90 minute one-on-one coaching session, as well as in 2 or 4 hour group training meetings.


Leadership Edge

  • Characteristics of Good and Bad Bosses
  • What is takes to be a  Motivation
  • Influencing Behavior
  • Understanding the Personal ProfileXT Evaluation – Areas of Strengths and Areas to Improve as a Manager


Managers will:       

  • “Buy in” to the development program recognizing that training should result in behavior change and that they are responsible for implementing at least one change after every session.
  • Learn about their natural strengths and weaknesses as a manager compared to the rest of America’s working population.


The Responsibility of a Leader

  • The Responsible Leader
  • The 21st Century Worker
  • New Roles For The Manager
  • Effective Leaders Are Good Followers
  • Leadership Self-Assessment


Managers will learn

  • To recognize their responsibility for the performance of their team and begin to develop goals for performance improvement
  • The specific managerial skills they are missing and what skills need to be developed.
  • The various expected roles a manager must perform to do his/her job well.
  • Begin to address specific people problems.


Planning For Success

  • Determining Direction
  • Creating Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives
  • Analyzing Goals
  • Developing Plans to Accomplish Goals
  • Improving Planning Skills
  • Developing Systems and Processes


Managers will learn

  • What are their specific department/divisions strengths and weaknesses.
  • How to conduct a strategic planning session with their department.
  • How to write 4 different types of performance goals and objectives.
  • How to create a goal/project plan and have completed one.
  • Identified their personal priorities and high pay-off activities.


Managing Tasks and Responsibilities

  • The Power of Priorities
  • Managing your time
  • Time robbers – dealing with time wasters
  • Overcoming procrastination


Managers will learn

  • How to recognize time wasters.
  • How to deal with interruptions.
  • How to avoid procrastination.
  • How to “group” activities and communication to maximize time.
  • Identify their high and low payoff activities and begin to manage time more wisely.


The Art of Delegation

  • Developing Delegation Skills
  • If You Want Something Done Right…
  • Why Leaders Fail To Delegate
  • When To Delegate
  • How To Delegate
  • Levels of Delegation


Managers will learn

  • How to recognize self-imposed barriers to delegation.
  • What specific types of tasks or projects to delegate.
  • When and who to delegate.
  • How to delegate by developing a delegation plan around a specific job task or responsibility.

Successful Interviewing and Selection

  • Staffing Effectively
  • Preparation
  • Interviewing
  • Evaluation
  • Keeping Hiring Legal


Managers will learn

  • How to create competencies needed for specific job positions.
  • How to create behavioral-related interview questions for a current opening or high turnover positions.
  • How to conduct interviews
  • Which questions will open up a company’s risk for legal action.
  • How to rate and select candidates based on past, present, and future predictors.



Understanding Human Behavior

(Motivating People – Part One)

  • Self Image And Success
  • Understanding Motivational Needs
  • Employee Requirements And Motivation
  • Understanding Personality Differences
  • Understanding Differences In Values


Managers will learn

  • What causes employees to perform better than most.
  • The differences in their personalities and their employees and how to flex their communication and management style to the needs of their staff.
  • Their personal management values and how to development behavioral expectation accordingly.


(Motivating People – Part two)

  • Motivation In Sports
  • Understanding And Enhancing Motivation
  • If You Can’t Measure It, You Can’t Manage it
  • Communication and Feedback
  • Identifying De-Motivation
  • Rewards and Recognition


Managers will learn

  • What managers can do to better motivate their team.
  • How to give specific praise and positive feedback.
  • How to understand the different motivational styles of their team members.
  • To develop a “motivational plan” for each direct report recognizing their individual goals and “needs”.


Coaching for Improvement

  • Influence Versus Authority
  • Addressing Employee Performance Problems
  • The Difference Between Coaching And Counseling
  • Coaching And Performance Reviews
  • Knowing What To Evaluate And Measure


Managers will learn:

  • Why employees may have difficulty meeting performance expectations.
  • How to address poor employee performance and behavior (The 5 step formula).
  • What performance to evaluate and when.
  • How to write a performance improvement plan and deliver it through coaching.
  • How to identify whether an employee needs more training or whether they have a “job fit” problem.
  • When it is acceptable to fire an employee.
  • What questions motivate and develop employees and which ones de-motivate.

Managing Change

  • Defining Change
  • Barriers to Change
  • Leading Change – Taking Responsibility
  • The Change Management Process
  • Responding to Change – Similar to Grieving


Managers will learn:

  • How to recognize their own willingness to change.
  • Why people resist change.
  • Strategies for dealing with and leading change.
  • How to introduce change to employees so that it is motivating.
  • How to recognize the changes happening in the workplace today, and how to plan for it.
  • Recognize which “change leadership style” to use for the appropriate change needed.


Writing and Delivering Performance Appraisals

  • What is a Performance Appraisal?
  • Why do we Appraise Performance?
  • Communicating Expectations
  • Observe and Document Performance Continuously
  • Coaching and Feedback
  • Writing the Appraisal
  • Delivering the Appraisal
  • Best Practices


Managers will learn:

  • How to analyze and document performance through the year
  • How to understand the different values and behavioral expectations that exist between managers and their employees.
  • How to communicate behavioral expectations to staff.
  • How to write and deliver performance appraisals that get employees talking.
  • How to hold employees accountable for specific improvement.
  • How to create annual performance goals.


Developing Your Staff

  • Creating a Learning Organization
  • Principles of Employee Training and Development
  • Grooming Employees for Advancement
  • Identifying Training and Development Needs
  • Training for Results
  • Efficient Procedures


Managers will learn:

  • How to understand the competency-job analysis process.
  • How to analyze the specific jobs of their direct reports.
  • Create Job Descriptions.
  • Identify training needs and create a training/development plan for their people.
  • Determine what methods are best for training their people.


Effective Communication Skills

  • What is Effective Communication
  • The Problem with Communication
  • Communication Blockers
  • The Communication Process
  • Communication Methods and Strategy
  • Listening to Others
  • Fostering Open Communication


Managers will learn:

  • Various methods for communicating in the workplace.
  • Pick and implement a strategy for fixing their top three communication problems that exist in their department or organization.
  • How people communicate through body language.
  • How to listen so that employees feel heard.
  • What blocks effective communication and how to fix it.


Problem Solving and Decision Making

  • Problems, What Problems?
  • Understanding the Problem
  • Gathering Information
  • Developing Potential Solutions
  • Making Sound Decisions
  • Decision Making Levels and Styles
  • Barriers to Decision Making
  • When you have to Decide Now!
  • Implementing Solutions
  • Following Up & Learning From Experience


Managers will learn:

  • To address specific problems keeping them from departmental or organizational success
  • To use the problem solving/decision making format taught in class, and begin solving problems individually as well as with their team.


Personal Leadership and Life Planning

  • What is Personal Leadership
  • Your self-Image
  • Understanding Your Personal Values
  • How Dreams & Desires Affect Your Goals
  • Choices, Rewards, and Consequences
  • Creating Positive Personal Change
  • Your Personal Plan of Action


Managers will learn:

  • How they are perceived as a personal leader and the impact it has on their influence.
  • How to improve their self-esteem.
  • How to understand their personal values and make decisions accordingly.
  • How to create a life plan and begin implementing it.
  • How to accomplish their goals.


Managing Difficult People

  • Identifying the Problem
  • Understanding Types of Difficult Behavior
  • Addressing the Problem and Documentation
  • Consequences of Not Addressing Problems
  • When Difficult People Become Dangerous to Themselves or Others
  • Legal Concerns
  • Preventing Problem Employees


Managers will learn:

  • The legalities of terminating employees.
  • Methods for dealing with serious problem behavior that may require immediate or planned termination.
  • How to understand the needs of the “difficult” employee and best meet those specific needs. 

Effective Meetings

 Why Meetings have a bad Reputation

  • What Makes a Good Meeting
  • Meeting Tips
  • Meeting Types
  • Meeting Facilitation
  • Evaluating your Meetings


Managers will learn:

  • When to have meetings and why.
  • How to conduct meetings.
  • How to set a positive tone in meetings.
  • How and when to ask specific questions.
  • How to deal with unwanted meeting behavior. 

Stress for Success

  • Understanding Stress
  • Workplace Stress
  • Preventing Stress
  • Stress Stoppers and Changers
  • Strategies to Improve Personal Coping Mechanisms
  • Important Things to Assess


Managers will learn:

  • How to understand their priorities and pressures.
  • How words shape feeling and influence behavior.
  • Strategies for dealing with “stressors” as they happen.
  • How to identify the signs that employees are “burning out.