Training and Employee Development

Our proven training and employee development programs are customized and delivered at your facility or at the Employers Edge training center.
Train The CoachSales Management For Teams


Leadership and Management Development

Are your managers effectively planning, directing, motivating, and holding employees accountable for results? We offer in-house or roundtable supervisory, management and leadership training for all levels of management in the organization. Through the use of a one-on-one and group training process, we train and hold managers accountable for their personal leadership development and achievement of their organizational and departmental objectives. Training subjects include Strategic Planning, Motivating, Interviewing, Coaching, Change Management, Managing Tasks and Responsibilities, Delegating, Dealing with Difficult Employees, Holding People Accountable, etc. and are available in module format.  See Module Outlines

Train the Coach: A Leadership Mentoring Program

At a time when company performance is coming under greater scrutiny, organizations are looking to successfully build an internal core of coaches to drive change, training and employee development and results both now and in the future. Leadership development through coaching is becoming to companies what a coach is to sports. Coaching is one of the requirements for winning.   See Train the Coach Outline

The Employers Edge Train the Coach Program is a paradigm shift for many organizations. It is a proven strategic mentoring and coaching process complete with 19 customized leadership modules your coach’s use as guides to help participants set goals and take action steps to acknowledge and implement the necessary behavioral changes required. In addition, the coachee receives pertinent information from the modules to help them understand and provide a foundation on which to build upon.

Train the Coach is available to you in two ways:

  • As an off-site program for your managers conducted by Employers Edge. Through licensing of your in-house coaching, training, and managerial staff to deliver the coaching modules directly to managers, supervisors and staff. Modules may then be purchased individually as needed, or as a customized unlimited usage soft copy license fee that is customizable to your organization.
  • As a “public” program at an Employers Edge, Inc. workshop facility. Participants will be certified to coach managers in their organization around the Employers Edge, Inc. modules.

Strategy Management for Teams

A process that helps leadership teams create a new focus and strategy for employees to align team and individual goals and activities with overall organizational performance expectations.   See Strategy Management for Teams Outline

In today’s economy, companies must engage their management and functional teams by focusing them on accomplishing bottom line results. However, it is often the team dynamics that clouds the ability for the team to focus on reaching goals. Helping teams improve their team trust, communication, accountability, planning and execution skills will increase the chance of the team getting better results. Strategy Management for Teams is a proven training and change management process that facilitates teams through a goal setting and team efficiency process. With focus on improving team trust, communication, goal planning and accountability, teams are guaranteed improved results that will impact the company’s bottom line.

Assess the leadership team and employees in key positions to identify natural strengths, performance weaknesses, culture-fit, development needs, and job expectations.

  • Conduct a 2 day training program to assess the business model, the annual goals, and build leadership team trust, communication, accountability, planning, and results.
  • Conduct a 1 day follow-up session 1 month later which includes presentations from participants on how they will accomplish their goals using the proven controlled planning process and Strategic Edge Dashboard.
  • Follow-up quarterly team accountability meetings around the strategic plans and goals.
  • Individual coaching for improved individual performance.

Teamwork: Builders and Blockers

Are team members aligned and rowing in the right direction? Are team members accountable for results? We offer team development by addressing the blockers or builders to team success. Teams that don’t TRUST one another will not effectively engage in unfiltered debate that effectively leads to successful COMMUNICATION. When issues that arise and conflict is not addressed, team members are unable to buy-in to the teams direction thus resulting in a lack of team ACCOUNTABILITY. Without accountability systems in place, teams will often place blame on others or use excuses to avoid be responsible for expected outcomes. This leads to poor EXECUTION which requires understanding roles and responsibilities, goals and priorities, and performance management.  See Teamwork – Builders and Blockers program outline

Sales Development

Are your salespeople generating enough new business as well as growing the current client base? We offer sales productivity improvement by managing your sales team through a process of developing their annual sales plan, identifying current attitudes that block sales success, measuring and monitoring their sales ratios, time and territory management skills, creative prospecting techniques, consultative presentation and closing skills, and building client relationships.  See Sales Edge Module Outline

What are your challenges right now. Let's work to overcome them. Together.

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