Business-People4Strategy Management

Strategy Management for Teams

A process that helps leadership teams create a new focus and strategy for employees to align team and individual goals and activities with overall organizational performance expectations.  Strategy Management For Teams Outline

In today’s economy, companies must engage their management and functional teams by focusing them on accomplishing bottom line results. However, it is often the team dynamics that clouds the ability for the team to focus on reaching goals. Helping teams improve their team trust, communication, accountability, planning and execution skills will increase the chance of the team getting better results. Strategy Management for Teams is a proven training and change management process that facilitates teams through a goal setting and team efficiency process. With focus on improving team trust, communication, goal planning and accountability, teams are guaranteed improved results that will impact the company’s bottom line.

Assess the leadership team and employees in key positions to identify natural strengths, performance weaknesses, culture-fit, development needs, and job expectations.

  • Conduct a 2 day training program to assess the business model, the annual goals, and build leadership team trust, communication, accountability, planning, and results.
  • Conduct a 1 day follow-up session 1 month later which includes presentations from participants on how they will accomplish their goals using the proven controlled planning process and Strategic Edge Dashboard.
  • Follow-up quarterly team accountability meetings around the strategic plans and goals.
  • Individual coaching for improved individual performance.

Strategic Planning Program

Strategic planning enables an organization to shape and guide its overall business objectives. Through effective strategic planning, an organization creates a framework for developing, adapting and aligning organizational vision, mission and goals to achieve and sustain competitive advantage. Through the process of a SWOT process (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), companies will reassess their vision, mission, long and short term goals, and strategies.

Our Strategic Planning Program includes:

  • Formulating strategic plans to help your organization advance and grow.
  • Creating/Revisiting the vision, mission, goals, and values that will move your company forward.
  • Identifying the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats (SWOT) that drive strategy.
  • Identifying strategies to better position your organization for long-term competitive advantage.
  • Translating strategy into action.
  • Executing strategy and deliver results through people and processes.
  • Establishing strategic planning, monitoring and controlling mechanisms that ensure positive results.

Why hire a professional facilitator for strategic planning?

A professional facilitator brings an independent and open-minded perspective to your strategic planning process. He or she will keep the discussion focused, keep the process on track, and will encourage team members to act as equals in the process. Employers Edge believes that there are 5 key reasons why an “outsider” may be more effective at leading your strategic planning process:

  • If you want to ensure a level playing field between the CEO and the team members. The outside facilitator has the skills to make sure the CEO does not take over and run the meeting. Also, It is extremely difficult if not impossible for the CEO or other inside person to effectively facilitate because the other people will still react to the CEO or inside person as their superior thus limiting open, honest, feedback and discussion.
  • If you want to complete the process in a timely manner and profit from the time a team spends in planning. The facilitator will commit to making sure you finish the process in the time allotted to do so.
  • When you need to address sensitive issues and conflicts. An outsider brings the benefit of a dispassionate perspective and can more effectively diffuse arguments and channel intense moments into a problem solving opportunity.
  • When your team is not making any progress. The outside facilitator will raise issues that you may try to avoid and will point out the dysfunctional behavior that are being denied.
  • When your group must address complex issues and diverging viewpoints. The experience of the facilitator will help to identify the issues, generate options to resolve issues, and make decisions.